The problem that I got most stuck on was the Chessboard. I carefully read through what I had written (although in the end not carefully enough to notice the difference between "/n" and "\n"), spent a good amount of time googling and looking through forums like stack overflow for similar problems, thought about giving it all up and going to live in a commune and grow tomatoes forever, then re-read the code and noticed the "\"" vs "/" error. I think the biggest take-away from that existential crisis was to read through code veeeery carefully, attention to detail!
I'm not sure if I solved any of the problems in this sprint 'elegantly'. I either knw what needed to be done or went through a process of reding through code, identifying areas I didn't understand, researching them to gain more understanding, then implementing what I had learned.
I'm very confident researching the problem and working through it various ways myself, I don't feel so great asking peers or coaches for help though. I'm worried that it'll be an easy solve and I'll be pestering someone for no reason!