How does life look through the 'pleasure, passion and purpose' lens? From the 'discovering values and higher purpose' exercise, What are your core values? What do you stand for? How did you find the resilience ideas and meditation exercise? Any other musings? In this chapter, Cheng references an outlook on happiness from Tony Hseih, a successful entrepreneur. He identifies three forms of happiness: Pleasure - The least sustainable form of happiness. Things we do to make ourselves feel happy outisde of work; Passion - More sustainable than pleasure. Things we do where the actual work makes us happy; Purpose - Most sustainable form of happiness. Things we do in service of something bigger than ourselves.
Finding my own core values is a task I've been struggling with for a while now. The introspective activity of meditation I found didn't help too much to find clarity because I feel I need more external input and discovery to try and create a moral framework. I need to add more pieces to the puzzle before I can move on to assembly
This chapter was the most interesting for me so far as it's certainly the area that is most pertinent to my needs at the moment. I found the envisioning future self exercise to be an interesting thought experiment and think I took a lot away from it. Looking forward to reading more!