Reflections on time and habit techniques

This is something I've put a lot of thought into already so was able to skim throught the resources. The habit forming video from Dr. Fogg is probably what resonated with me the most. His approach of starting small to create the habits that will lead towards the bigger goal is a good way of appreciating that big change is possible. Figuring out what the end goal or result should be is what I struggle with though, so potentially some more thought into that is the direction to go in. Perhaps that's where meditation could help.

Having tried it in the past I've not found it too useful but that's probably becuase i've only tried it a little. Being mindful and a sense of the lack of self isn't too hard but there's definitely a lot more to uncover in frequently practised meditation. I also found the process of time-boxing interesting because at first it seemed counter-productive to set a time limit on something and potentially interrupt good work. But the designated end point could definitely increase productivity with a probable sense of urgency that wouldn't otherwise be there. Then if good productive work is interupted, the reviewal process of what was accomplished would just mean that the next timebox would probably be even more productive. Time-boxes are worth a go I think, sticking to it will be the challenge but in a group environment sticking to one would be much easier.

The other video on habit formation I found a bit cringe-worthy... It was the classic video of two "thought-leaders" that don't necesarily have a scientific background (journalists and authors of popular books) discussing the science. I should've given it more time but couldn't take them seriously...